Climbing Wall for Kids: Frequently Asked Questions

Climbing Wall for Kids

Why should my child climb?

Children are explorers, thrill seekers, problem solvers and above all, curious by nature. Climbing not only fulfills your child’s need for excitement and provides them a challenge but the list of physical and mental health benefits that come with climbing are numerous. Below we will show you why a climbing wall for kids is a great idea.

What are the Benefits?


  • Increased muscle tone and strength
  • Improved fine motor skills (hand eye coordination )
  • Improved gross motor skills (the entire body is engaged)
  • Sharpened visual perception
  • Refined speed, coordination, agility and balance


  • Practicing decision making skills
  • Completing an activity that requires a specific sequence
  • Solving Low risk problems
  • Visualising solutions to a challenge.


  • Gaining confidence in their ability to face challenges
  • Learning to cope with feat and stress when working through difficult tasks
  • Developing self reliance as they work to scale a climb on their own


  • Increased cardiovascular flow – when kids raise their arms above their heads to reach a handhold, they can increase cardiovascular flow.
  • Increased flexibility – the movement required to climb mimics a natural stretching motion, which can increase flexibility
  • Improved strength – to climb a ladder or rock wall, children must pull themselves up with their hands and arms. This action simultaneously improves their grip, upper body strength and arm strength.
  • Improved coordination – the act of climbing requires coordination between a childs hands, arms, legs and feet.


  • Proprioception – these senses help us determine where our limbs are in relation to one another and the amount of force needed for different tasks. Body awareness is essential as kids separate arm and leg movements while climbing.


  • Vestibular – theses senses coordinate movement and balance to determine where our body is in space. Vestibular senses are important to help kids understand hot their limbs interact with the space around them. This sense supports walking, standing and sitting without falling.
Climbing Wall for Kids

At what age can my child start climbing?

Technically your child is ready to start climbing as young as two years old (depending on their interest and physicality). Some have a knack for climbing while others develop the ability with practice. You can always start with a few grips and as they get older you can create a larger, more challenging wall with more grips.

Is climbing just for boys?

No, climbing is an activity for both girls and boys, both reap the multiple benefits from climbing and in recent years girls have shown increased success in competitive climbing. In many circles girls are touted as being better climbers as boys due to their strength to weight ratio.

Where can my child climb?

There are a number of indoor climbing gyms in South Africa but why pay to go out to a gym when you can bring the gym to your home. 

You can fit climbing grips in a number of locations.

Outdoors – fit climbing grips to an existing jungle gym, onto an existing wall or tree house or create an obstacle frame.

Indoors – fit climbing grips in a bedroom, playroom, living area or in unused spaces like a stair well.

How do I get started with a climbing wall for kids?

When introducing your child to climbing it is best to start with a bouldering or traversing wall (we have found that younger children can be a little intimidated when faced with a looming 6 metre wall, ropes and harnesses) The versatility of these walls means that you can use almost any free wall inside or outside your home. Another great option is to add grips to an existing structure like a jungle gym or a tree in your backyard.

A traversing wall is climbed horizontally and not vertically. The challenge is to make it from one side to another and children are never more than a few feet off the floor as they climb across the wall.

A bouldering wall is similar to a traversing wall but may include overhangs or a “roof”, making the climb a little more challenging.

Once you have decided on the type of wall you require you need to measure the space to find the area (length x width = metres square). This will determine the number of grips you will require ( our recommendation is 7 – 12 grips per square metre – more grips for younger children and less for older children).

You can then either fit the grips straight into the wall/jungle gym/tree or you can build a wooden panel to be fitted against a wall.

We provide a free digital installation guide with every purchase you make.

What about safety?

Safety should always be a priority when installing a climbing wall for kids at home. The recommended maximum height for a traversing and bouldering wall is 2,4m. Depending on the age of your child you may want to include foam mats or a crash mat for soft landings, for outdoor walls there is the option of putting in a sand pit. Only use the fittings recommended as per the installation guide. Adult supervision is recommended.

Where can I purchase climbing grips and holds in South Africa and build a climbing wall for kids?

You can buy directly from us!

We manufacture and supply climbing grips and holds, climbing and bouldering crash mats, DIY Climbing Wall Kits as well as climbing wall panels.

 You can purchase either online, by Whats App  or book an appointment to come see the stock we have on hand.

We are based in Boksburg, Gauteng and we sell and courier to all regions in South Africa.

You can purchase climbing grips and fittings on our ONLINE STORE:   or you can call or Whats App Romaigne on 061 787 1431 or email

You can also follow us on our Facebook Page to keep up to date with the latest news, articles and promotions.


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